The Caserta
Palace, in Italian Palazzo Reale di Caserta, is a palace
and former Royal residence in Caserta, near Naples, once used by the
Kings of Naples. It was the largest palace and probably the largest
building erected in Europe in the 18th century. In 1996, the Palace
of Caserta was listed among the World Heritage Sites on the ground
that it was "the swan song of the spectacular art of the Baroque,
from which it adopted all the features needed to create the
illusions of multidirectional space".
The construction of the palace was begun in 1752 for Charles VII of
Naples, who worked closely with his architect Luigi Vanvitelli. When
King Carlo saw Vanvitelli's grandly-scaled model for Caserta it
filled him with emotion "fit to tear his heart from his breast". In
the end, he never slept a night at the Reggia, as he resigned from
the throne in 1759, and the project was carried to completion for
his third son and successor Ferdinand IV of Naples. |
Behind the
facades of its matching segmental ranges of outbuildings that flank
the giant forecourt, a jumble of buildings arose to facilitate daily
business. In the left hand arc was built as barracks. Here, later,
during World War II the soldiers of the US Fifth Army recovered in a
"rest centre".
Of all the royal residences inspired by the Palace of Versailles,
the Reggia of Caserta is the one bearing the greatest resemblance to
the original model: the unbroken balustraded skyline, the slight
break provided by pavilions within the long, somewhat monotonous
facade. As at Versailles, a large aqueduct was required to bring
water for the prodigious water displays. Like its French predecessor,
the palace was designed to be the powerhouse of an absolute Bourbon
monarchy in the true Baroque fashion. Thus the enfilades of Late
Baroque were the heart and seat of government, as well as displays
of national wealth. The palace also provided suitable housing for
the royal family and the court of the Kingdom of Naples, the Palace
housed the offices of government bureaucracy a national library, a
university, a national theatre, all apart and free from the disorder
and squalor of Naples. Thus the King of Naples at caserta was free
from the mob and factions of his capital in the same way as
Versailles had freed Louis XIV from Paris. To provide the King with
extra protection a barracks was also housed within the
precincts of the palace.
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