was originally discovered when a well was being dug in the early
18th Century at a depth of 50 – 60 feet below the modern surface.
Initially a series of ‘robber’ shafts and tunnels were dug to strip
the site of any saleable valuables. However, between 1749 to 1765
Herculaneum was explored on a more scientific basis for the Bourbon
Kings of Naples and the Two Sicilies, initially under the
supervision of Rocco Gioacchino Alcubierre and then his assistant
Carlo Weber. A basic plan of the town was mapped out and much of the
portable remains removed but eventually these tunnels collapsed and
were closed down. The modern towns of Resina and Portici grew up
over the site and knowledge of where the entrances to the tunnels
were was lost to the scientific community.
In the 20th Century, archaeological excavations re-commenced on a
more modern and scientific basis fully uncovering a small section of
the town but it was found that the earlier tunnelling had damaged
the structure of much of the surviving buildings. The site is also
suffering from exposure to the elements and the periodic earth
tremors, so there is a constant battle to try and preserve the
remains. Recent archaeological work at the site has rediscovered
potentially one of the greatest treasure houses of contemporary
Roman knowledge. The Villa of the Papyri was initially thought to
contain unreadable charred scrolls, fused into solid lumps when it
was originally excavated in the 18th Century. It was found that
using various techniques some of the scrolls could be eased open and
at least part of their contents read. |

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